Can Exercise Really Keep You Looking Young?

BFeNewslette_Story_link-art_72ppi_355x129_STAY-FIT-Excercise-Remain_Young_JPGThere is no doubt about the fact that exercise is one of the best ways to remain young.

Not only will it help to improve your health but it will also help to make you look a lot younger!

By including some resistance training in your exercise regime it will help to tighten and firm the muscles of your body, including those on your face and this is one of the reasons why you will look younger.

Even 20 minutes of exercise three times a week will do a lot towards helping you look and feel a lot younger.

xercise improves circulation and circulation is an important factor in maintaining good skin.By maintaining a better skin condition you will inherently look a lot younger as poor skin condition is one of the sure signs that you are aging.

The increased circulation that is brought about from exercise raises the temperature of the blood and pushes it towards the surface of the skin. In doing so it carries more oxygen and nutrients to the skin giving you a healthier glowing complexion.

The additional blood that the exercise will bring to the surface of the skin reduces the degeneration of the skin cells and the breakdown of collagen. By reducing the degeneration and helping with the production of collagen, exercise slows down the aging of the skin and in nolvadex-tamoxifen the 'bagginess' and slackness that comes with age.

Doing the correct exercise will also help you to maintain a better posture.One of the best forms of exercise for helping with your posture is yoga. Yoga not only helps with the suppleness of your body through stretching the muscles but it also improves your strength and posture as well as helping you to achieve a better state of mind and relaxation.

All of these benefit your overall health and help to reduce the aging process.

For up-to-date information on how to look and feel your best at every age, click here now to register for our monthly blog radio show: Body Focus? Health Talk with Dr. Steven Nelligar.


To contact our office about The Body Focus? System click here.

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